Hair loss is a problem that affects millions of Americans every year. With so many prescription medicines and over-the-counter treatments for hair restoration, it’s hard to know where to begin. What works? What will be a waste of money? One method that has proven to work is PRP (platelet-rich plas...
Treatments for hair loss and thinning have come a long way, and they’re only getting better! Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is at the forefront of revolutionary hair restoration procedures that are trending. The question is, what exactly is this innovative procedure? More importantly, how much...
Hair loss can leave you feeling discouraged and with a lot of questions. What are the causes, and is there help? Here, the best hair loss dermatologist in Glenn Dale, Maryland answers the most commonly asked questions. Q: How Does a Doctor Diagnose My Hair Loss Cause? A: In order to diagnose the...
Have you noticed your hair part widening? More hair in your brush every day? Your hair not looking as full as it used to? Then you may be experiencing female pattern hair loss.